My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A beautiful conclusion to the Mortal Instruments series. Despite the awfully thickness of this book, it was a swift read. The storyline flows much better than the four middle books in the series, perhaps I was in the mood to read it. (I take back my words, City of Fallen Angels is still my favourite of all.)
-below are spoilers to the series and The Infernal Devices series-
As usual, this book is written in multi-perspectives narrations and some bits in third person view. This book introduces new characters, such as Emma Castairs and her "institute family". I feel that her POV was not serving any purpose, whatsoever, other than Cassandra's effort to introduce readers to her incoming new series, "The Dark Artifices". The other most complained POV was Maia's. Despite all the dislikes, I find her stories do serve more purposes that Emma's.
After 6 books, I still do not feel any attachments to Clary & Jace and I think this is the main reason that this series isn't one of my favourite. However, I do enjoy reading them and my favourite is still Simon. Oh, Simon, my dearest. Yes and the special appearance of Tessa and Jem. *in tears of joy* I can't help myself to squeal in excitement whenever their names were mentioned and find myself sharing a inner joke with the character 'yep, I know what ya talking about'.
I do feel that Jem deserves a paragraph of me thanking him due to his contribution to me liking this book. So, thanks Jem.
Every series deserves a beautiful ending and I would say this book does its justice. However, I do think that it's a bit too long and I would do whatever for some of its length given to The Ruby Circle.
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