My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"It's easy when we're on the outside to believe that we would walk away without a second thought if a person mistreated us. It's easy to say we couldn't continue to love someone who mistreats us when we aren't the ones feeling the love of that person. When you experience it firsthand, it isn't so easy to hate the person who mistreats you when most of the time they're your godsend. "
So much thoughts going on in my mind right now I fear I might not give an organised review to this book. First thing first, CoHo has certainly outdone herself. She wrote something so impactful I don't think I can get over it at least for a few days. Damn her when all I asked for was a happy-tearjerking romance novel and she gave me a domestic abuse handbook. Not until the last page of this book I felt the urge to hug CoHo and tell her I'm so proud of her of every words she's written and inspired.
This is an important book for all women especially. I feel the need to tell everyone to read it. No, I am not under any circumstances experience any kind of abuse but I felt into the trap. I was in truth madly in love with Ryle and hence, I'd fallen into the massive trap. The moment when my subconscious quietly whispering behind my mind, telling Lily that she should forgive Ryle was the point when I knew I'd fallen into this goddamn deception. I couldn't deny how wrong this idea could be. I knew somewhere in the back of my mind, Lily shouldn't EVER go back to Ryle. But love can do you wrong. Crazy as it seems, I should put a stop on Ryle in the first casserole incident but I chose to forgive as Lily did. At this point, I don't think I'm making any sense because I'm speaking as if I'm Lily. But, I guess at various different points, many women are in Lily's shoes - they're Lily or worst, Lily's mum.
That's why I think this is an important book. It sure as hell isn't like one of CoHo's usuals. For the first time ever, I didn't like her books for her romance but the message she's bringing.
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