My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I signed up for Raye Wagner's email subscription in exchange for a ebook copy. :D
Let me put it out there that it was a disappointment. When I first heard of this book from peruseproject's channel, I was beyond excited and almost ordered a copy from Amazon. I couldn't contain my excitement but it was a huge let down. (My reading mood was not affected by my finals.)
Curse of the Sphinx is a Greek Mythology-ish romance YA novel. I really enjoy the mythology aspect of the novel but the whole plot was plain boring. The story could be replaced by any paranormal romance out there, add the essence of Greek Mythology and publish this book. It was unoriginal, the plot I mean.
It was a let down because the starting of the story was well-written. It kept me hook to the story, it was fast-paced. Not after Hope went to the new town, Goldendale, things start to go flat. The usual story of a new girl in a small town, a few bitches in her class, no friend wanna be alone and the hot guy who flirts with everyone but only want her. Really?
Not to mention, some of the writings are really childish. I understand it's YA but...
Apollo! She hated him! Hate wasn’t even a strong enough word. How dare he?
Who even talk like that?
The only thing which kept me reading it was the Greek mythology aspect. Well, considering this is my first time reading a Greek mythology fiction, I'm impressed with the world building and used of characters.
p.s I'm sorry I'm bashing on your book here, Raye Wagner. This is my honest review so please don't hunt me down.
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