Many readers hate the idea of 'insta-love' in the plot of a book. It's unbelievable, superficial and annoyingly retarded. Well, how can someone fall 'deeply' in love with someone right when they met each other. This concept of 'insta-love' also reportedly known as 'love at first sight'. Despite the strong hatred against the whole idea of insta-love,
I beg to differ and let me recount you on my perspectives.
Yes, I agree that it's highly superficial and unbelievable to read about insta-love in a book, especially romance and contemporary. Every readers could hardly accept the idea of falling in love at first sight because it's deem to be 'lust' instead of 'love'. Writing this post shows that I'm on the other side of the fence. Firstly, I am a believer of 'love at first sight'. My belief has nothing to do with the magical power of "imprint" like one mentioned in Twilight. I believe in 'first impression'. One is attracted to another, higher chance is, due to their appearances. (Don't start bashing me in the comment section. Let me explain further.)
Every's perspective regarding anyone is different. In other words, everyone has totally different taste. Some may think she is pretty and some do not. This explain the 'insta-love' in the story. People hate to read about the main character being unaware of her beauty or what not. Having the hottest male in the line falling heads over heels for her is annoyingly out of the world - superficial. Or, having a main character who's flawed but the hottest male character falling for her deems unbelievable. Truth is, that's how first impression works. It can be said that the main guy has strongly different taste in a particular female. He might like it non-model-like. Society's views of beauty does not represent everyone's view.
Despite having said everything above, I do want to add that, a well-structured/written book would be able to articulate a seemingly-believable insta-love story. It may hide the fact that there's the existence of an 'insta-love' but not outrageously 'eye-rolling'.
Nonetheless, I want to stress again that the plot line of 'insta-love' isn't as bad as most readers think it is. It's driven by perspectives and first impressions. I think you're pretty, let's hang out, get to know each other and be a couple. It's usually how every plot line plays out.
Disclaimer: everything mentioned above are my ideas and please don't feel offended or what not but I do welcome different ideology.